Let the fun begin. My new motto is going to be: Just One More Mile.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday, May 15

Weather -Sunny.  In the mid 60's; humid!

Clothing - Black running shorts, Short sleeve tech shirt (Rockstar), fuel belt, arm wallet with cell phone

Nutrition - ate a banana before, a vanilla gu at mile 3 and (2) 8oz water, (2) 8 oz powerade

Route - Burke Centre Parkway and Oak Green to Ox.  Ox to University Blvd and back to where we started

Distance Completed: 6  miles

Time:  Started at 7:30am, took 1 hr, 16 minutes

J.W. and I originally had planned to do 11 miles.  We were happy with how our training was going and didn't want to lose the base mileage we had built up.  We met as a group (J.W., T., A. and I) on Tuesday night and decided we would do the training for the marathon's long runs together and not join the training group we were considering.  We figure we can do this together!  We went through a few different training plan options and decided on one that seems good for our current level.  We backed out the long runs on the calendar and came to the decision we would only do a 6 mile run today.  We have plenty of time to build up to the much larger mileage.  And it would be good to follow the training plan as closely as possible.

Anything I'd do different?  Not sure about this.  It was my first run outdoors with the humidity being a factor.  OMG, I am in trouble once Summer really kicks in.  Big trouble!  The 6 miles were tough today.  I got about 1/2 way through it and had to slow down. And then it seemed like I couldn't slow down enough and ended up walking about 5 additional minutes than I should've.  I was sweating big time and really need to keep drinking the water and powerade to keep my body temp low.  It was a killer and I am now very nervous about having to run during the summer months.  Last year, I didn't run outside for about 3 months during the year because of the heat.  I guess I need to forge ahead and hope my body gets used to it.

Mid-week runs - ran 5 miles on Tuesday, ran 4 miles on Thursday; both on the treadmill at the gym.  Tried to play with the speed to help go faster.  My runs at the gym were particularly good this week.

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