Let the fun begin. My new motto is going to be: Just One More Mile.

How I plan to do it

How I plan to get to 26.2

I've shared with you my reasons for wanting to do a marathon and why I chose the Philadelphia Marathon as my race to accomplish this, but I have yet to divulge how I plan to be able to run 26.2 miles in one fell swoop.

When I first told my mom I was running a marathon and she found out it is was 26.2 miles long, her first question was, "Do you have to do that all in one day?"  Um, yes, that is the point.

So here's my Top 10 reasons on how I think I'll be able to run a marathon:

10.  Following a schedule.  There are a ton of running training plans available that will help you properly prepare for running a marathon. Everything from wanting to finish it in a set amount of time to just being happy to finishing it is available in a million different versions. It's all about deciding which one will work best.   Being the Type A personality I am, if I have a schedule, I will follow it to a "T".  I excel at making sure I get all my training runs in, to the point it can become obsessive.  Because if I give it everything it is asking of me, then it will make sure I am ready.  No shortcuts.

9. Potentially joining a training group.  I went to an information meeting last weekend and really liked everything the Program Directors had to say.  It is a 26 week program and they do their long runs on Saturday mornings.  Depending on the distance they are running and the heat of the day will determine how early they start.  The group runs different paths and offer so much support (not just on the long runs, but all aspects of the training).  It is really nice to have a group to run with and know that you are all going through it together.  Not to mention, they set up aid stations for the really long runs.  How nice is that?  They make sure port-a-potties are available and will make you do a 26.2 mile training run before the big day.  The only thing that is keeping me from signing on the dotted line is that you CAN NOT run with music on the Saturday runs.  I am not positive I am cut out for this and can run one mile, much less 26 miles without my awesome tunes.  Running to music is the only way I am able to go from point A to point B.  The program director encouraged me to try the group for the month of May before having to decide if I will commit to training with them the rest of the time.   She thinks I can do it.  When I told her that I really need the music, she asked what would happen if my iPod died during the marathon and I didn't have music then?  I guess she doesn't know me very well, because I already thought that part through and was going to run with a back-up iPod. 

8. Books.  I've been reading so many books about running, being able to run, doing a marathon, dressing for a marathon, eating for a marathon, working out to do a marathon, being motivated to run a marathon, not getting injured training for a marathon, running if you are woman, running if you are mom, making time for running,inspirational stories about running, you would think I was in training for the Olympics.  I've become completely consumed by this and soon my book club is going to suffer.  I've gotten lucky so far that the books being picked are ones I've already read.  This can't be the case much longer.

7.  I've registered for the race, made hotel reservations, arranged child care for Ian and Sam and researched the gluten-free restaurant I want to eat at the night before the big day.  I can't let all this work go to waste.  Part of the training is preparing all the other areas too.  I am ready!

6. Support.  I have a wonderful support system.  I can't thank my husband enough for being an endless source of encouragement.  He is always asking how my runs were, if I need to go to the gym, and how the training is going.  Knowing that Jeff will be waiting at the finish line is reason enough to make it to the end to give him a big sweaty ole kiss.  And of course, use him as support to be able to stand.

5. My friends who have run a marathon before.  I know these two amazing people who have run marathon(s) before and are always available for tips, advice and to run with.  They've proven to me that they could do it and live to tell about it and I can too.

4. Hard work.  I can work hard with the best of them.  If there is something I want bad enough, I will do whatever is required to get it done and get there.

3. Time.  I have plenty of time to properly train.

2. The run-walk-run method by Jeff Galloway.  This guy is brilliant and devised a strategy of running/walking combo to get you to any distance.  I absolutely love it and was so surprised at how much easier the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler was this year.  I actually shaved 8 minutes off my time from the previous year.  The method not only makes your overall pace faster, but your recovery is easier and your legs don't burn out during the longer distances.

1.  My running BFF, Jen W.  We are in this together.  Jen has committed to doing the marathon too.  She is not going to let me down and I am not going to let her down.  Fortunately we run at the same pace and we have the same goal in mind...we want to finish, not be last and try to get it around 5 hours.  But still be totally cool with no matter how long it takes us.