Let the fun begin. My new motto is going to be: Just One More Mile.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Saturday, May 21

Weather - Sunny,  low 60's

Clothing - Black running shorts, Short sleeve tech shirt (Pacer Mother's day shirt),  fuel belt,

Nutrition -  ate a banana before, a vanilla gu at mile 3 and  (1) 8 oz water, (2) 8 oz powerade

Route - Burke Centre Parkway: starting at Old Keene Mill Road and Lee Chapel.  Went all the way to Kohl's and back to starting point.

Distance Completed: 6  miles

Time:  Started at 6:45am, took 1 hr, 12 minutes

We had on the schedule to do 4 miles, but we were feeling great and the weather was cooperating, so we did 6 instead.  It was a great run and Burke Centre Parkway provides some big and little hills.  It was only at the end that I felt like I wanted to walk the last hill, but I made it without taking any additional walking breaks.  Yay!

One of the coolest things was that I didn't have my music on until we reached 4.5 miles into the run.  We were so busy talking that it wasn't really needed. 

Anything I'd do different?  No.  Everything clicked with this run.  The weather was beautiful and it wasn't humid.  There was even a slight breeze for some of it.  I couldn't ask for better weather.  However, I think this is the absolute hottest it can be and I'd still be okay outdoors.  Yes, I am in TROUBLE as the summer gets underway.  I have visions of me running at 4:00am.

Mid-week runs - ran 5 miles on Tuesday, ran 4 miles on Thursday; both on the treadmill at the gym.  It was good.

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