Let the fun begin. My new motto is going to be: Just One More Mile.

Why 26.2?

Friday - April 1, 2011

So I did it.  I just registered for the Philadelphia Marathon.  It's official, I'm in.  November 20, 2011.  26.2 miles.  Yowzer!

I wanted to do something BIG to celebrate turning 40 this year and go beyond my comfort zone.  I've never run more than 10 miles up to now, so 26.2 seems incredibly daunting.  And believe me, those 10 miles aren't easy for me.  None of it is.  I only really enjoy running when I am done and think back to what I just accomplished.  It always amazes me that I am able to do any kind of running, even 1 mile.  I am always having to tell myself, just keep moving; keep putting one foot in front of another.  Don't give up now.

Since I decided to take this monumental leap in how far I am going to run in just 8 months (!!!!!!!!), I can't stop thinking about it.  I go to sleep at night thinking through all the logistics and wake-up in the morning reconfirming my plans to go for it and I get excited all over again. 


10.  You don't know what is possible until you've reached impossible. 
Even when I think there's no way I am going to get there, I am always surprised that yes, I can do it. I've not reached impossible yet.  I quickly put out any doubts and let myself trust the process that will get me to my goal.

9. Because I have the most supportive, awesome husband who believes in me.  If he thinks I can do it, then why the heck not give it a try?

8.  To show my kids that with much hard work, dedication, proper planning, and a positive attitude you can do whatever you set your mind to.  There is nothing better than living by example.

7.  To be able to burn ridiculous amounts of calories.

6. An experiment to see what my body will look like from running upwards of 25+ miles every week.

5.  Because I can.  There are so many people in this world that can't do this and would love the opportunity to.

4. When I am 80, using a walker to get around and can barely get out of a chair, I'll look back at this accomplishment with a huge smile on my face.  No regrets that this was something I thought of doing and didn't go for it.

3. To do something that is solely for me.  Only me.  Me deciding to run a marathon is all about me.  Not Jeff, not the kids....just me.

2. What better acheivement to commemorate turning 40?  The idea of 26.2 miles is something that was so foreign to me when I was half this age.  My 20-year old self would've laughed until you are blue in face if you told me that I'd be doing something like this in 20 years.

1. For the alone time.  There's nothing better than going for a long run and using the time to clear your mind, listen to some awesome music and feel like yes, you are actually running away from it all.

Stay tuned for my list of reasons of why I picked the Philadelphia Marathon as my race to do this.  It's such a good list, that you too may want to run a marathon.  :)