Let the fun begin. My new motto is going to be: Just One More Mile.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Saturday, April 16

Weather - Cloudy, intermittent sprinkles, then full-blown rain for the last 1.5 miles.  Approx. 45 degrees

Clothing - Long black capris, long sleeve tech shirt, baseball cap, fuel belt, spibelt with cell phone

Nutrition - Pack of running beans before starting, gu at mile 6, (2) 8 oz water, (2) 8 oz powerade

Route - Starting at Oak Green/Burke Cetnre Parkway to Ox Road. Make right and go past Whitehead to where the trail ends (around the bend), then back up Ox to the corner where FFX Parkway on ramp is, turnaround and go back up Burke Centre Parkway to the Kohls, turnaround again and ending at the corner of Oak Green and Burke Centre Parkway.

Distance Completed: 10 miles

Time:  Started at 6:50am, took 1 hr, 59 minutes

The plan was to run 10 miles.  We were unsure what the weather was going to do and had Sunday morning as a back-up day.  But it would be awfully nice to get it done and over with on Saturday morning.  It was in the back of my mind that if it started raining and we couldn't continue, I could always call Jeff to come get us. The run was great, just one steepish hill around mile 4 1/2, but it felt good to conquer it.  We took the pace nice and easy and was easily able to carry a conversation during every part. 

The hardest part was the last 1.5 miles when it really started to rain.  We were soaked. I  was happy to have a hat to shield the rain falling from my face.  That helped greatly.  But at this point, we had come so far and it was going to be so sweet when we saw the 10 miles logged on the Garmin. 

Anything I'd do different?  No, not on this run.  I think the combo of nutrition, clothing, timing of when we started out all worked perfectly together.  While it wasn't fun at all running in the rain, it was great to know we can do it and what it feels like.  Plus, it was just a short amount of distance (at the end!), it wasn't the whole time.

Mid-week runs - ran 5 miles on Tuesday, ran 4 miles on Thursday; both on the treadmill at the gym.  Tried to play with the speed to help go faster.

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