Let the fun begin. My new motto is going to be: Just One More Mile.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Friday, April 15

I have a little more than 7 months to go until the big day.  Tomorrow (April 15th) is day 1 in starting to train for the 26.2   J.W. and I have built up a base of 10 miles and we want to keep that mileage possible to run until it is time to start adding to it.  We've gotten this far, why let it slip and have to start over?

I thought it would be cool to document all of our training in a journal.  This will help me to keep track of what I've done.  I can go into great detail on what the conditions were, what worked, what didn't and what I want to change for the next run.  Plus, it will be useful should I need to look back and review.

Most likely I'll write a new entry in here once a week and discuss the long weekend run and the smaller mid-week runs all in the same entry.

Let the fun begin.  My new motto is going to be:  Just one more mile!

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