Let the fun begin. My new motto is going to be: Just One More Mile.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Saturday, October 1st

Weather - Pitch black out, 50 degrees when we started.  Rainy, overcast and 51 degrees when we ended.  Humidity was not a problem.  The weather temp was perfect in my opinion.  It drizzled for 90% of the run.

Clothing - Black running capri pants, Short sleeve tech shirt (green courage shirt), Camelbak, and Headlamp (yep, it was necessary). 

Nutrition -   Ate a banana and cliff bar before the run. Also, took 2 advil before leaving the house.  During the run:  75+ oz powerade/water mix. A GU at mile 7, mile 14 and mile 20.5.

Route -  Started at the intersection of Lee Chapel Rd on Ox Road.  Went 7.5 miles down Ox past the University Blvd intersection and turned around.  Then went 4 miles down Ox near the Lorton Workhouse and turned around. 

Distance Completed:  23 miles

Time:  Started at 4:30am, took 5 hours, 33 minutes. 

T., J.W. and I met at 4:30 am to get the 23 miles done.  We hung together running for the first 2.5 miles.  And then I persuaded them to go on without me. I made only one stop and that was at mile 15 to refuel.

I bought a headlamp to use for this run and it was perfect.  The first 12 miles was in the dark.  Having the light was wonderful. 

It was interesting to see what happens when your Garmin interval timer goes through all 99 cycles.  It stops the intervals, but still keeps the timer/distance/pace counter going.

Anything I'd do different?   I am not sure. This was a very difficult run for me.  I am not sure you can even call it a run as I walked almost all of it.  I really struggled being out there.  The conditions were less than stellar and it rained off and on (mostly on) for practically the whole time I was out there.  Also, I think having a head cold didn't help the situation.  All I could think about was getting back home, taking a hot shower and climbing in bed.  And for some reason, my body just didn't want to run.  Could I be burned out from all the running? 

Mid-week runs - ran 5 miles on Monday, ran 4 miles on Wednesday; both on the treadmill at the gym. 

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