Let the fun begin. My new motto is going to be: Just One More Mile.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My last long run

Written for Mommy Meltdown's Blog (10/24/11):

I've been wanting to update on how the marathon training is going for some time now. But, with each long training run looming ahead in the schedule, I get seriously freaked out and feel like I am better off not speaking too much about it.  Now that I've just completed my last long run, I feel like I can reflect on what this journey has been like getting me to race day.

7 months ago when I decided to sign up for a marathon, it felt so far away that anything was possible.  I could talk all the 'game' I wanted, but knew that I still had more than half a year before my foot had to actually cross the starting line.  As of today, I've got just 26 days to go  and the countdown is on!  We are in taper city and the mileage I have to log now is reasonable and not nearly as taxing as what has been recently done.

I have discovered a lot in these past 6 months of training.  The biggest thing I found out is that I am not cut out for long distance running.  I think after I get to mile 12, I get seriously bored and am ready for the next activity.  To keep going takes a huge amount of will power and determination.  I've always known that once I am committed to something, I'll see it through to the end and this marathon training had me displaying that type of mental strength over and over again.

Some other discoveries include:
  • It doesn't matter how much I run, I will never get faster.  My pace stays consistently slow.  Friends can start out with me at the same pace, but somewhere along the way, they get faster and I get slower.
  • I'm okay not wearing underwear under my running shorts or capri running pants if it means I don't get any kind of chafing.  I really thought I would be grossed out by this, but after the first long run trying it, it made a huge difference. (Sorry if this is TMI).
  • Training for a marathon did nothing to help me lose weight.  Actually, just the opposite.  I've been gaining weight as the weeks and mileage progress.  I really don't think I am eating more and any different types of foods, but for some reason my body is in starvation mode and doesn't want to let go of my excess fat.  And believe me, I have enough excess to come off and not be needed.
  • Running for hours on end in the months of July, August, and some of September really sucked.  That's all there is to it.  Me and heat still don't do well together.
  • Going through the training process became a much more enjoyable experience when you have a friend or two to commiserate with.  I can't imagine not comparing notes or venting or doing any of this without J.W.   When you know you aren't in this alone, it becomes more bearable.
I am at the point now where I want this marathon to be over.  I am ready to get my life back and not think about the running I HAVE TO do each week.  Running is no longer something I enjoy.  It has become a chore.  One more thing on a long list of items I HAVE TO DO.  

I admire all those who make a career out of running marathons.  Those who do this year after year and of course the crazies who do multiple ones through out the year.  I can't even imagine what that involves. I said this before at the beginning and feel it now more than ever -- I am only doing this once. 

Don't get me wrong, I am so happy I decided to go for it.  To prove to myself I can do this.  Come November 20th,  I am not going to be the fastest, in the top 50%, or possibly even in the top 75% of finishers, but I will go out there and enjoy it and give it everything I've got.   The t-shirt I will be wearing will say, "You don't have to go fast.  You just have to go." 

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