Let the fun begin. My new motto is going to be: Just One More Mile.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The day after 26

Mentally, I could not be more pleased with how yesterday went.  I am so happy that I went for the 26 and finished in the allotted time they give you at the Philadelphia Marathon. Actually I finished an hour before the official end time.  I was super slow, but I got it done.  Plus, I have a benchmark to beat when I do this again on the official day.

I also was able to determine that I only need to refill my camelbak once duirng the run.  So if I hit the water stations, I should be okay in making the original 50 ounces of the fluid in the camelbak last.   And I know that 6 GUs are good for race day.  One at 4 miles, 8 miles, 12 miles, 16 miles, 20 miles and 24 miles worked nicely.

Waking up this morning, my legs were sore!  The area of leg that was in pain through out the whole run yesterday hurt more than ever.  Looking back, I probably should've have taken an ice bath when I got home.  As the day wore on, the pain has subsided some.  I am going to hold off running my 5 miles on Tuesday and really give my body a chance to recover.  I will for sure do the run on Thursday and so forth.

No blisters!  No rubbing!  No tummy issues!  All is good.  I may be slow, but I am ok with that.  I am just happy the long runs are over and I was able to stick to the training schedule. Yay!!

I can't believe I am about to write this, but I think I am ready.  :)

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