Let the fun begin. My new motto is going to be: Just One More Mile.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday, September 25th

Weather - Before sunrise,  67 degrees and humidity = 100%  Seriously.  Ugh.

Clothing - Black running compression shorts, Short sleeve tech shirt (rockstar),  Camelbak

Nutrition -  ate a banana before and approx. 30 oz powerade/water mix

Route - Burke Centre Parkway: starting at Old Keene Mill Road and Lee Chapel.  Went all the way to Kohl's and back to starting point.

Distance Completed: 6  miles

Time:  Started at 6:00am, took 1 hr, 12 minutes

J.W. and I met to get this run done and over with.  Too much going on today.  I did ok and kept to pace, which is surprising given the humidity.  I did walk 2x for some of the steeper hills on Burke Centre Parkway.

Anything I'd do different?  No.  Everything was fine with the run;  I just can't move in this humidity.  It takes all my will power to keep going.  It's hard to breathe.  I can't wait for the cooler weather to kick in.  It's the end of September, it's about time.

Mid-week runs - ran 5 miles on Tuesday, ran 4 miles on Thursday; both on the treadmill at the gym.  It was good.  Did a 4.5 mile hike on the Billy Goat Trail on Sunday.  So my mileage was a bit higher than usual.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday, September 17th

Weather - 54 degrees and humidity was a respectable 80%

Clothing - Black running capri pants, long sleeve tech shirt (pink), and Camelbak

Nutrition -   Ate a banana and cliff bar before the run. During the run:  approx. 25 oz powerade/water mix.

Route -  Started at the intersection of Burke Centre Parkway and Oak Green, ran down Ox toward University Blvd, turned around and ran back.

Distance Completed:  6 miles

Time:  Started at 7:15am, took 1 hour, 12 minutes

We decided we'd all run on our own this weekend.  Got to say, I love the idea of waking up naturally and going out for a run with no pressure to keep up with others.  At the mile 2.2 mark, I had to go to the bathroom very badly was lucky enough to be near the Giant at Braddock Road for me to go to.  Woo-hoo!!  I got back on the road and was pleasantly surprised to see my pace pick up.  Running in the cooler weather is the way to go!

Anything I'd do different?  Yes, I'd wear shorts and t-shirt instead.  Not cold enough yet to wear long pants or long sleeve shirt.

Mid-week runs - ran 5 miles on Tuesday, ran 4 miles on Thursday; both on the treadmill at the gym

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The day after 20!

I survived!  The 20 mile run is now officially behind me.  All the tweaking I did and preparation paid off.  I believe the 2 Advil before the run was one of the best things ever.  Also, not wearing underwear proved to be incredibly successful.  From this point on, I am not going to wear the heart rate monitor strap.  I got a little bit of rubbing. Nothing major, but this can be easily prevented by not wearing it in the future.

My biggest injury?  On my right leg, behind the knee.  it wasn't that big of a deal, so I didn't ice it or take any additional Advil when I got home.  Next time I can do this and see if that helps.

When I woke up this morning, I had some soreness still only in one spot.  It is located behind my knee on the right leg.  Very weird, because I never felt anything like this before.  No actual pain, just a tightness/soreness.

Also, I changed my socks and found these. They are finger toe socks and each toe is individually wrapped. They are specifically for running and I chose the lightweight model.  I love them!  Not once did I feel like my toes were rubbing or I was at risk for getting blisters. 

It did take a little while to get used to, but once I put my feet in my shoes, I forgot I even had them on.  

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Saturday, September 10th

Weather - Pitch black out, 67 degrees when we started.  Sunny and 74 degrees when we ended.  Humidity was 97% at the beginning of the run.  The humidity very slowly dropped towards the 4th hour of the run.

Clothing - Black running shorts (compression, biker style), Short sleeve tech shirt (green courage shirt),  and Camelbak.  Sans underwear!  Also, wore new socks.  Like them very much.  Will post another entry on what they look like.

Nutrition -   Ate a banana and cliff bar before the run. During the run:  75+ oz powerade/water mix. A GU at mile 5, mile 10 and mile 15.

Route -  Started at the intersection of Lee Chapel Rd on Ox Road.  Went 5 miles down Ox past  Burke Centre Parkway and turned around.  Then went 5 miles down Ox past the Occoquan bridge and turned around. 

Distance Completed:  20 miles

Time:  Started at 5:11am, took 4 hours, 18 minutes (not including the 3 stops I made).  Overall time was 4 hours, 40 minutes.  One fun fact, at the 17 mile mark, I was 5 minutes ahead of my time from when we did the 17 mile training run.  Yay!

T., J.W. and I met at 5:00 am to get the 20 miles done.  We hung together running for the first 5 miles.  Then I left the trail and went to the McDonald's (By Burke Centre Parkway and Ox) to pee.  It was finally starting to get light out, so that was good for the next 5 miles.

At the 10 mile mark. I stopped for about 4 minutes and refilled my camelbak and had a GU.

Also, I stopped at the gas station (at mile 12.62) to use the bathroom.  Again, I only peed, so I am very happy there were absolutely no stomach issues on this run.  Yay!

One big problem!  At mile 15 after turning around, we had approx. 3/4 mile completely uphill.  Oh my!  This was not expected and completely made me lose my mojo.  Had to walk all of it before attempting to run again.

Anything I'd do different?   Yes, 2 things.  I made a big-time rookie mistake and forgot to charge my Garmin last night.  I got the low battery message with 2+ hours still to go in the run.  I have no idea how it miraculously stayed charged enough for the entire run, but I got very lucky.  Also, I am not going to wear my green shirt again on long runs.  I think I need a little bit longer of a sleeve, as there was the beginning of some wierd rubbing on the left side, upper part of my arm.  Nothing too bad though.

Overall, I am very happy how well this run went. I tried to learn from my 17 miler and corrected a few things.  First thing I did was the lose the underwear.  I think this helped greatly.  I also used body glide in the area that had the bad rubbing before.  Even though I didn't get blisters during the last long run, I got new socks to try and I think they are wonderful.  Lastly, I took 2 Advil about 40 minutes prior.  To aid recovery, I came home and had a chocolate milk.   So far, so good on how I feel right now as I type this. 

Mid-week runs - ran 5 miles on Tuesday, ran 4 miles on Thursday; both on the treadmill at the gym.  Overall, this is the biggest mileage week I've ever had -- 29 miles.  Yowzer!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Wronsky's are coming! The Wronsky's are coming!

I got an email today from my sister with her flight info.  Lori and her husband, Ben officially booked their plane tickets to watch me run the marathon on November 20th.  I was currently on the treadmill at the gym, checking email on my cell phone, when I saw her email.  I have to say, it made my 5 mile run a little bit easier and gave me a pep in my step to finish it. 

I am so excited they are coming.  I only hope I can finish the race on Sunday before their plane takes off on Monday afternoon. :)  It means the world to me that they will be there to witness this monumental event in my life.  I am only doing this once, so to have the support and my own personal cheer leading team is beyond fabulous!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday, September 3rd

Weather - 67 degrees and humidity was 87%

Clothing - Black running shorts (biker style), Short sleeve tech shirt (green "courage" shirt),  and Camelbak

Nutrition -   Ate a cliff bar before the run. During the run:  50 oz powerade/water mix.

Route -  Started at the intersection of Oak Green and Burke Centre Parkway, went down Ox to University and turned around.

Distance Completed:  6 miles

Time:  Started at 6:30am, took 1 hour, 12 minutes.

T., J.W. and I met to do the 6 miles. I have come to the conclusion I can not run in humidity.  It makes my legs feel like big pieces of lead I am trying to move up and down.   I was very happy that we all ran at our own pace.  There was no pressure to try to keep up and it felt good to run as slow as I wanted.

Anything I'd do different?  No.

Mid-week runs - ran 5 miles on Tuesday (SUPER SLOW! Ran this in the evening -- not a good idea!), ran 4 miles on Thursday; both on the treadmill at the gym