Let the fun begin. My new motto is going to be: Just One More Mile.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The day after 17

It has now been 24 hours since I ran the 17 miles.  I can give a better assessment of how it went.  This is the first run I've done (since the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler two years ago when I passed out/threw-up) that I felt consequences from running a long distance.

For most of the day I felt like I was in a fog/haze. I  wasn't overly hungry or thirsty and went about my usual meals and hydration.  However, the drive home from the Mount Vernon Trail was a bit surreal.  I wasn't sure if I was going fast enough, too fast or going in the right direction.  It was a weird experience driving and I relied heavily on my GPS to get home.

After getting home and taking a shower, I realized I was in a bit of trouble.  My left knee was very sore.  Walking up and down steps proved troublesome. After putting ice on my knee, it helped greatly.  The other area that was even in worse shape was the very top of my leg, on the inside where my underwear rubbed the skin incredibly raw.  Fortunately, this was only on one side, the right leg.  As soon as I got a bandage on it, I felt relief. 

Once I had a good night of sleep and woke up the next morning, I felt great.  The pain in my knee has subsided and I hope the raw skin is healing  (too scared to pull the band-aid off).

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