Let the fun begin. My new motto is going to be: Just One More Mile.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday, August 27th

Weather - 75 degrees and humidity was beyond nuts (93%)

Clothing - Black running shorts (compression, biker style), Short sleeve tech shirt (rockstar),  and Camelbak

Nutrition -   Ate a banana before the run. During the run:  50 oz powerade/water mix.

Route -  Started at the intersection of Lee Chapel Road and Old Keene Mill Road, by the Hallmark store.  Ran 2.5 miles down Burke Centre Parkway towards Kohl's, turned around and ran back. 

Distance Completed:  5 miles

Time:  Started at 7:15am, took 1 hour, 1 minute.

T., J.W. and I met to do the 5 miles.  The humidity sucked big-time.  It was very hard for me to breathe and I was sweating like crazy.  At one point it felt like I wasn't even moving, I was going so slow.  By doing Burke Centre Parkway, we had some hills and it made me go even slower.

Anything I'd do different?  No.

Mid-week runs - ran 5 miles on Tuesday, ran 4 miles on Thursday; both on the treadmill at the gym

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The day after 17

It has now been 24 hours since I ran the 17 miles.  I can give a better assessment of how it went.  This is the first run I've done (since the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler two years ago when I passed out/threw-up) that I felt consequences from running a long distance.

For most of the day I felt like I was in a fog/haze. I  wasn't overly hungry or thirsty and went about my usual meals and hydration.  However, the drive home from the Mount Vernon Trail was a bit surreal.  I wasn't sure if I was going fast enough, too fast or going in the right direction.  It was a weird experience driving and I relied heavily on my GPS to get home.

After getting home and taking a shower, I realized I was in a bit of trouble.  My left knee was very sore.  Walking up and down steps proved troublesome. After putting ice on my knee, it helped greatly.  The other area that was even in worse shape was the very top of my leg, on the inside where my underwear rubbed the skin incredibly raw.  Fortunately, this was only on one side, the right leg.  As soon as I got a bandage on it, I felt relief. 

Once I had a good night of sleep and woke up the next morning, I felt great.  The pain in my knee has subsided and I hope the raw skin is healing  (too scared to pull the band-aid off).

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday, August 20th

Weather - Pitch black out, 70 degrees when we started. Sunny and 77 degrees when we ended.  Humidity was a ridiculous 90%.  Ugh! 

Clothing - Black running shorts (compression, biker style), Short sleeve tech shirt (rockstar),  and Camelbak

Nutrition -   Ate a banana and cliff bar before the run. During the run:  85+ oz powerade/water mix. A GU at mile 7 and another GU at mile 11.5.

Route -  Did the Mount Vernon Trail.  Parked at Dangerfield Island.  Went 4.5 miles in the direction of the airport, turned around.  Went 2.5 miles towards Mount Vernon, turned around.  Did the last 1.5 miles back towards the airport and turned around to finish the 17 miles.

Distance Completed:  17 miles

Time:  Started at 5:45am, took 3 hours, 39 minutes.

T., J.W.and I met for the run.  A. joined us for the last 11 miles. We started out together until it started getting light, then T. went at her own pace and ran ahead.  J.W. and I did a good job of running together until I desperately had to go to the bathroom.  This was at mile 6.5 and needed to walk until I got to the port-a-potty at Gravelly Point.

J.W. and I met up again at the car when we were refueling and ran together from mile 9 to mile 14.  At this point, I really needed to walk more and Jen went on ahead.  I found the temperature really stifling and hot.  It was hard to breathe and the lack of cool air was making it difficult to keep running.

Anything I'd do different?  Yes, I discovered I need to make sure I am wearing better underwear.  I believe I got a little chub rub under my right butt cheek.  Will use body glide on the next long run and see if that helps.

Also, I am happy to report that socks I wore didn't cause any blisters and will only wear my Thorlo socks for the long runs.

Mid-week runs - ran 5 miles on Tuesday, ran 4 miles on Thursday; both on the treadmill at the gym.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday, August 13

Weather - 70 degrees and humidity was ridiculously high (84%)

Clothing - Black running shorts (compression, biker style), Short sleeve tech shirt (rockstar),  and Camelbak

Nutrition -   Ate a banana before the run. During the run:  50 oz powerade/water mix.

Route -  Started at the intersection of Oak Green and Burke Centre Parkway.  Made a right on to Ox Road.  Went 2.5 miles down Ox past Braddock Road intersection and turned around.

Distance Completed:  5 miles

Time:  Started at 7:00am, took 58:39 minutes.

J.W. and I met to do the 5 miles.  I have to say, at this point, the 5 should be a cinch, but it's all relative and the 5 to me was as hard as the 14 last week.  The humidity made it very hard to run.  Somewhere along the way, this is no longer fun and the running each weekend feels like a chore.  I'll be happy when November comes.  And, when the humidity finally goes away.

Anything I'd do different?  No. I am just happy it is over with.

Mid-week runs - ran 5 miles on Tuesday, ran 4 miles on Thursday; both on the treadmill at the gym

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Saturday, August 6th

Weather - Pitch black out, in the high 60's when we started.  A little on the cloudy side and 75 degrees when we ended.  Humidity didn't seem to be a problem.

Clothing - Black running shorts (compression, biker style), Short sleeve tech shirt (rockstar),  and Camelbak (first time using it.  loved it!!)

Nutrition -   Ate a banana and cliff bar before the run. During the run:  75+ oz powerade/water mix. A GU at around 4.

Route -  Started at the intersection of Lee Chapel Rd on Ox Road.  Went 3.5 miles down Ox past Burke Lake Road and turned around.  Then went 3.5 miles down Ox towards Occoquan and turned around. 

Distance Completed:  14 miles

Time:  Started at 4:30am, took 2 hours, 49 minutes.

T.  and I met at 4:30am to get the 14 miles done.  A. met up with us for the last 9 miles. It was really weird running in complete darkness for more than an hour before we could start seeing in front of us.   I got close to 12 miles done before the sun was up and out.  I was happy to have run 11 miles before hitting the "wall" and needing to play mind games on trying to keep the running all running and not walking more than I should.  In the end, my last 3 miles were very, very slow and filled with walking.  Towards the last 3 miles, I was starting to feel soreness under my toes on my left foot.  I  have a feeling that my sock was bunched up for the first 7 miles and it may have started to cause blisters.  I can now see some blisters forming under some of the toes on the left food. 

At the 7 mile mark. I stopped for about 5 minutes and re-grouped.   Fixed my sock on my left foot, refilled my camelbak and used my frozen wash cloth.

Also, I stopped at the gas station (at mile 9.6) to use the bathroom.  So happy it was there when I had to go!

Anything I'd do different?  No.  I am very happy how well this run went.  Can't believe I just did more than 1/2 the marathon.  14 miles is nothing to make light of.  Yowzer!  Believe it or not, the weather was not a factor this morning.  It wasn't humid and or too hot. 

Mid-week runs - ran 5 miles on Tuesday, ran 4 miles on Thursday; both on the treadmill at the gym.